TPlanner(C++Builder 6)
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TPlanner(C++Builder 6)
A registration key is a one-of-a-kind ID generated by the FME Licensing Assistant from system data. It's Safe's way of limiting a single fixed license to a single computer.
2: What is a registration key number?
A registration key is a code of letters and numbers that allows access to one of the many Thomson Reuters products, such as Westlaw, CLEAR, Firm Central, and more.
3: What is the registration key?
Each person will create an individual user account by entering the customer's account number, an online registration key (available from your local dealer), and basic billing and shipping address information. The account administrator will be the first account created.
Developer’s Description
A flexible & powerful day/month/week/timeline/multi-day/multi-resource & custom scheduling user interface component
Feature overview
Component for interactive scheduling.
- Items that can be resized / repositioned.
- Inplace multiline editable items
- Items with multiple imagelist images
- Items with caption time indication
- Readonly items
- Various display modes : day (5,6,10,15,30,60 min), week, month, day period, half day period & custom grid displays.
- Controllable active day start, active day end, day start, day end
- Events for insert, delete, left click, right click of items.
- Overlapped / non overlapped items
- HTML export
- PDF export
- Save to streams
- Item hints
- Rich text items
- Printing
- 12/24 hrs display
- Internationalization capabilities
- Header with alignment, images, events
- Printing
- Layer support
- Linked items
- Alarms through various add-on alarm handler components
- Interfacing to spell checkers, including direct support for Addict Spell Check
- mini HTML formatted text in items
- Import & export of items to through various add-on item exchange components
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- Support for VCL styles
Additional tools and information:
- When used as part of the TMS VCL UI Pack, a non-visual component, TAdvPlannerPopupToolBar, can be assigned to Planner.PopupToolBar. When assigned, this will show a small quick formatting toolbar when the mouse hovers over the selected PlannerItem in the Planner. It allows to quickly change color, font, alignment of the TPlannerItem.
- List of add-on tools for TPlanner : TPlanner add-on utilities
- Use custom TPlannerItem classes in descendent TPlanner class with this example
- Make TPlanner scriptable with TPlannerScript and TatPascalScripter
- Use customizable Pascal scripts as item alarms with TAlarmScript and TatPascalScripter
- Sample for configuring and triggering an alarm
- Additional sample application showing drag & drop interoperability with TDBTodoList
- Import or export Planner items to Google Calendar or Windows Live Calendar with TPlannerGCalendarExchange and TPlannerLiveCalendarExchan
Embarcadero® C++Builder Community Edition is a great way to get started building visually stunning high-performance native C++ apps for Windows and iOS. C++Builder Community Edition includes a streamlined IDE, code editor, integrated debugger, award winning visual designers to speed development, powerful data access components and data binding technologies, hundreds of visual components, and a limited commercial use license.
C++Builder is an advanced IDE for modern C++ with high-productivity libraries that help you deliver fast, native apps with great user experience for your customers. Utilize best-in-class Windows desktop UI libraries ready for Windows 11. Use powerful award-winning visual design tools and the modern Clang-enhanced compiler to rapidly prototype and publish high-performance Windows and iOS apps. Get blazing fast compile times on multi-core hardware, easy access to popular libraries like Boost, build tools like CMake and Ninja, and leverage productive UI, networking, parsing and other libraries. Independent developers and enterprise development teams choose C++Builder’s advanced productivity to deliver projects 5x faster than competing solutions.
C++Builder 11 helps you:
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1: Click Install Key after navigating to Tools & Settings > License Management > Plesk License Key.
2: Choose Upload a licence key file.
3: Click OK after providing the path to the key file you downloaded from the email.