• Kodosoft Batch Photo Editor is a user-friendly and effective piece of software whose main purpose is to provide you with a method of processing multiple images simultaneously, applying all the filters and effects that you need with just a few mouse clicks.

    The application features a very clean and straightforward user interface, making it easy to handle for anyone, including inexperienced individuals, as its functions are fairly evident.

    The main window of Kodosoft Batch Photo Editor allows you to add the files that you wish to process, by means of the indicated buttons, choosing the preferred filters from the provided list.

    In order to load the items that you wish to modify, you can open them individually, by pressing on the ‘Add Image’ button, or you can open an entire directory at once, using the ‘Add Folder’ button. If you do not want to process certain files, you can just select them and click on ‘Remove’.

    The filters’ list enables you to check the boxes of the effects that you want to use on your images, bearing in mind that the ones marked with an asterisk can be customized manually by double-clicking them.

    As such, you can watermark, resize or crop the files, adjust their brightness, contrast, hue and saturation, mirror, flip, rotate, equalize, blur or sharpen them. On the right-side of the main window, you can preview the pictures and their change in appearance after applying the selected filters.

    Finally, you can choose a save path and optionally, convert the output files to a different format, supporting a wide range of extensions (for instance JPG, BMP, GIF, PDF, PNG, TGA, PCX, TIF, and several others, each one with its own customizable quality preferences). When complete, you can press the ‘Start’ button and the utility will inform you when they are done.

    To conclude, Kodosoft Batch Photo Editor is a useful and reliable program that can help you alter the looks of your favorite pictures in bulk, enabling you to save both time and effort in the process, by automatically taking care of all the loaded files.