jPDFSecure Java PDF Signature API

Registration Key


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Developer’s Description

jPDFSecure Java PDF Signature API

1: What does the registration key mean?
A registration key is a one-of-a-kind ID generated by the FME Licensing Assistant from system data. It's Safe's way of limiting a single fixed license to a single computer.

2: What is a registration key number?
A registration key is a code of letters and numbers that allows access to one of the many Thomson Reuters products, such as Westlaw, CLEAR, Firm Central, and more.

3: What is the registration key?
Each person will create an individual user account by entering the customer's account number, an online registration key (available from your local dealer), and basic billing and shipping address information. The account administrator will be the first account created.
By Qoppa Software

jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures.

jPDFSecure has a simple interface to load PDF documents from files, network drives,URLs and even input streams, which can be generated runtime or come directly from a database. After changing security settings, jPDFSecure can save the document to a file, a or a javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream when running in a J2EE application server to output the file directly to a browser. jPDFSecure is built on top of Qoppas proprietary PDF technology so you do not have to install any third party software or drivers. Since it is written in Java, it allows your application to remain platform independent and run on Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris, HP UX, IBM AIX), Mac OS X and any other platform that supports the Java runtime environment.

Main Features: Digitally Sign PDF Documents: Create New Digital Signature Fields; Apply Digital Signatures on New or Existing Fields; Apply Certifying Signatures; Clear Digital Signatures; Customize Signature Appearance; Sign from USB Token (PKCS11); Encrypt / Decrypt PDF Documents (AES 256 encryption); Support for Timestamp Servers; Set / Remove Permissions: Print, Print High Resolution, Copy or Extract Content, Extract Content in Support of Accessibility, Modify the Document, Add / Modify Annotations, Fill Form Fields and Sign. Set / Remove Passwords: Open Password, Master Permissions Password; Works on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X (100% Java). No Need for Additional Drivers or Software when Deploying

Mac OS X Instructions:

  • Instructions
    • After downloading, the installer should launch automatically and create an icon on the desktop.
    • The installer is a standard PackageMaker installer packaged inside a disk image. The operating system should recognize the files and launch the installer automatically.
    • If the installer doesn’t start on its own:
      Double click on the installation file jPDFSecure-macos.dmg to mount the disk image, then double click on the mounted image.
      Finally double click on the installer.jPDFSecure is a Java library that can change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application can digitally sign, encrypt and decrypt PDF documents as well as set permissions on the documents.

  • jPDFSecure Publisher’s Description

    jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or jave applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures.

    jPDFSecure is optimized for performance and is built on top of Qoppa’s proprietary PDF technology so there is no need for any third party software or drivers.

    jPDFSecure has a simple interface to load PDF documents from files, network drives,URLs and even input streams, which can be generated runtime or come directly from a database. After changing security settings, jPDFSecure can save the document to a file, a or a javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream when running in a J2EE application server to output the file directly to a browser.

    jPDFSecure is platform independent and can be used in any environment that supports Java, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

    Main Features
    + Digitally Sign PDF documents:
    + Create New Digital Signature Fields
    + Apply Digital Signatures on New or Existing Fields
    + Clear Digital Signatures
    + Encrypt PDF documents with the Highest Security Level Encyption 128-bit RC4
    + Decrypt to view PDF documents of 40 bit or 128 bit encryptions
    + Set / Remove Permissions:
    + Permission to Print at High Resolution.
    + Permission to Print.
    + Permission to Copy or Extract Content.
    + Permission to Extract Content in Support of Accessibility for Disabled Users.
    + Permission to Modify the document.
    + Permission to Add / Modify Annotations.
    + Permission to Fill Form Fields and Sign.
    + Set / Remove Passwords:
    + Password to Open PDF Documents
    + Master Password to Change Permissions
    + Written entirely in Java – allows your application to remain platform independent.
    + No need to install or configure additional drivers or software when deploying.

    ADSS Client SDK offers high-level APIs that give simple access to all of the ADSS e-Trust Services. This includes:

    ADSS Signing Server for server-side signing and verification service

    ADSS Go>Sign Service for secure document viewing and client-side signing

    ADSS OCSP, SCVP and XKMS Validation Authority Servers

    ADSS RA and CA Servers

    ADSS TSA Servers

    ADSS LTANS Evidence Server

    What are Timestamped Digital Signatures?

    When creating a digital signature, it is possible to simply use the computer’s date and time. But this may not be valid in a lot of legal environments.

    Time-stamp servers, also called Time Stamp Authorities (TSA), can provide a legal timestamp and there is a protocol to access the servers and get the timestamp back.  Many security standards (in Europe for instance) require this added level of security to encrypt administrative and legal documents.  Timestamps are essentially encapsulated in another certificate signed by the authority which contains both the customer’s and the time-stamp server’s signatures.

    Support for Timestamped Digital Signature in Qoppa’s PDF library products

    The Bouncy Castle libraries, which Qoppa’s products rely on for encryption, do support this protocol and so we added support this in our libraries as well in version 2013R1.

    Starting version 2013R1, it is possible to apply and verify digital signatures with a time-stamp authenticated by a trusted, independent authority using the following Qoppa’s java PDF library products:

    jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or jave applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures. jPDFSecure is optimized for performance and is built on top of Qoppa’s proprietary PDF technology so there is no need for any third party software or drivers. jPDFSecure has a simple interface to load PDF documents from files, network drives,URLs and even input streams, which can be generated runtime or come directly from a database. After changing security settings, jPDFSecure can save the document to a file, a or a javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream when running in a J2EE application server to output the file directly to a browser. jPDFSecure is platform independent and can be used in any environment that supports Java, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. Main Features * Digitally Sign PDF documents: * Create New Digital Signature Fields * Apply Digital Signatures on New or Existing Fields * Clear Digital Signatures * Encrypt PDF documents with the Highest Security Level Encyption 128-bit RC4 * Decrypt to view PDF documents of 40 bit or 128 bit encryptions * Set / Remove Permissions: * Permission to Print at High Resolution. * Permission to Print. * Permission to Copy or Extract Content. * Permission to Extract Content in Support of Accessibility for Disabled Users. * Permission to Modify the document. * Permission to Add / Modify Annotations. * Permission to Fill Form Fields and Sign. * Set / Remove Passwords: * Password to Open PDF Documents * Master Password to Change Permissions * Written entirely in Java – allows your application to remain platform independent. * No need to install or configure additional drivers or software when deploying.

    jPDFSecure 2021R1

    encrypt, set permissions and passwords

    jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. Your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures

    jPDFSecure – Full description

    jPDFSecure is a Java library that can digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF Documents. With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create and apply digital signatures.

    JPDFSecure is a Java library that allows you to digitally sign PDF documents and change security settings on PDF documents. With JPDFSecure you can create new digital signature fields, apply digital signatures on new or existing fields, clear digital signatures, encrypt PDF documents and decrypt to view PDF documents of 40 bit or 128 bit encryptions.

Install a license key using a registration key file?

1: Click Install Key after navigating to Tools & Settings > License Management > Plesk License Key.
2: Choose Upload a licence key file.
3: Click OK after providing the path to the key file you downloaded from the email.

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